miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

The Animatrix

Animatrix explain a little bit more the true beginning of the Matrix: how men created the machines and how those machines stood up against their masters, and the effects of the great war that waged between them, which in the end led to the fall of mankind. Both of these shows are really centered around the "what if"s of the futuristic genre. In the same way that Animatrix streches the boundaries of what's possible for the future of technology. I Saw the story witten and directed by peter chung, one of the most original of the Animatrix episodes,¨ Matriculated¨ is also one of the most thought-provoking. It follows the story of a band of resistance fighters that attempt to convert captured machines to fight for humanity.

where It's interesting to note that the humans argue about re-programming the machines - effectively making them slaves to humanity again. Rather than re-programming, they offer the machines a choice, but one that is weighted in their favor. The idea of offering the machines choice and hoping the correct one is made mirrors the choice that minds are offered in The Matrix, finally We can se how they created stories based on the original idea of the movie.

jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

Pixar Animation Studio

Pixar is an specialized 3D animation company, winner of lots of Academy price, All this thanks to it’s own software of render, RenderMan, that is used to generate High definition images of fotorealistic quality.

At the beginning piar was a division of Lucasfilm, after the separation from this company, created the first amovie animated Toy Story, and other movies with great history lines, Mosters Inc, A Bug’s Life, Toy story 2, Finding Nemo, and continue grown up, acquired by Dysney.

Pixar has been a succesfull company because always is creating technology for the produced movies, obviously because it’s a pioneer in the animated world. Pixar has a scientist in computers Dr. Ed catmull, actually he is president of animation has informatic scientist, he has contributed to many discovers on computing graphic images, catmull invented texture mapping an the Z-buffer .

As we can see Pixar has a strong agreement with public, gained to pulse a privileged place, something Pixar emphasizes is by its persistence at the time of realising any type of project, in which always focus in a single but difficult word: quality.

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Milos Forman

Jan Tomas Formas it’s a movie director, actor and writer, born on 1932 in Checoslovaquia, better know as Milos Forman, he become in a grate director on the United States, he rise a notable success in 1975 with the adaptation of Ken Kesey’s novel “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, that won five Academy awards including the best director. Another notable succeed was the movie Amadeus, that won eight Academy awards. On 1997 received the Crystal Globe for his artistic contribution to the cinema world on Karlovy Vary Festival, Milos forman is a grate and sensitive director that has touched many hearts with his movies.

His first successful movie was One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, based on the novel of the same name, the movie focus on a character that is guilty of five violation intents, for this reason Randall Mac Murphy must go to jail, but he is recluded on a psychiatry hospital for his apparent mental illness to be examinated, he did it for avoid prison.

Through his live on the psychiatry hospital he will be the protagonist of several episodes of bad behavior between sick people ,breaking the pacific life of the hospital, if one of them disobey laws, they are punished with electroshocks. If this isn’t enough doctors take away from them a part oh their brains as Mc Murphy after attack Ratched nurse. Finally a friend kills Mc Murphy. This movie won the Academy awards of best actor, best director, best movie, best actress and best-adapted novel.

The second succeed Movie of Milos Forman was Amadeus, Amadeus at the beginning was a dramatic performance written by Peter Shaffer in 1979.

In i981, Milos Forman went to the show of Amadeus in Broadway,. He hated the movies and biographical scenes of musicians because he founded those terribly boring, but after see the first act, told to Peter Shaffler who known Milos’s trajectory that If the second act is good as the first , he will made the movie. The rest is story. Peter Shaffler and Milos Forman worked together during four exhaustive months.

Milos Forman put together a romantic legend between fiction and reality in a majestic way, where shows the death of a mysterious man, the grate enemy of Mozart Salieri. Forman adapted the movie with music, images and dialogues creating a perfect armory.

The movie shows Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ‘s life told by his rival Antonio Salieri. The film begins when the old Saleri intend kill himself while yell that he was Mozart’s murder, he is put on a mental hospital, here he told to a priest how he killed Mozart.

Personally I just have seen only the first twenty minutes of Amadeus and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by accident, but after done this work I really want to rent all these movies to see and appreciate the work of this magnificent director of cinema.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Fray Lorenzo my Favourite Character

One of the main characters who are in the tragic love history of Romeo and Juliet is Fray Lorenzo, even he is not the main character, it is intimately related to Romeo and Juliet, has influenced on their deaths, for this reasons Fray Lorenzo my favorite personage.

Confessor of Romeo, helped both lovers to get marry, later helped Juliet and influenced not to marry with Paris, giving her a poison, where will appear dead, cold and without life during a short period of time to be able met Romeo. Without its participation the history would have had a happy ending.

Firstly Fray Lorenzo contributted in the all importants things appened, he helps romeo to get married Julieta. Fray Lorenzo helped Romeo to hide in his church when it was exiled by the prince.

Fray Lorenzo suggested all the bad things, finishing with both principal characters death.

Personaly I didn't like the representatión of Fray Lorenzo in the movie because there, he is far away of be the man we think a Fray is. He prepare strange experiments and had tatoos o his body, wearing more ugly cloths.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

Milla Jovovich

Hello Everybody!

Since the first time I saw Milla Jovovich, I got enchanted with his beauty, it’s the most spectacular women on the Earth!, she is model, actress and singer, a multifacetic person as you can see, and a very clever person, for all this reazons she is my favorite actrees.

Milla was born in Kiev Ucrania, at the age of nine she began going to modeling auditions and appeared on the most important magazines of fashion World, her modeling career included various campaigns for Banana Republic, Christian Dior, Dimani, Donna Karan, Gap, Versace, Calvin Klein, DKNY, and Giorgio Armani

In 1985 she enrolled to the Professional Actors school in California, then in 1988 appeared in professional rolls made for televisión, alfter a few time Milla was cast as the lead as Lili Hargrave in Return to the Blue Lagoon, and portrayed Mildred Harris in the Charlie Chaplin biographical film, after this she recorded an album called The Divine Comedy, because the music is another of her passions.

Milla returned to acting with a lead in the Luc Besson directed science fiction action film The Fifth Element, here she portrayed Leeloo an alien who has the perfect being, this movie was selected as the opening film for cannes and praised for ints visual stylie and unique customs, I saw Milla for first time at this movie, she act too for the Story of Joan the Arc, in 2002, she starred in the horror action film Resident Evil, base don the CAPCOM video game series, she portrayed Alice the film heroine who Rights with a legion of zombies created by the Umbrella Corporation, and the science action fiction thriller Ultraviolet a rolle invbolved heavily choreographed fisght sequences, she likes to do this kind of movies because she had trained karate, ckik-boxing and combat-training for all of her roles.

Milla has contributed tracks to several of her film soundtracks, including The Million Dollar Hotel, and Dummy, and has also provided songs for film soundtracks in which she has not acted such as Underworld.

I´d like two coment about all her work but are too much, this is a little review, finally I recomend you hrs album The Divine Comedy! Its very good.